
Music Is Art And Science – What Is Music For You?

Music is art and science that understands the soul of men and brings us closer to heavenly things. The language of music is universal, it does not need words, everyone understands music.


Small definition about music

The music and the art of reproducing sounds, combined with variations in height and duration, are ordered under the law of aesthetics or simply pleasant sounds of listening.

There are three fundamental components of music: harmony, melody and rhythm.


What is harmony? It is the execution of several sounds heard at the same time.

What is melody? They are strings of notes played in a musical sense.

What is the rhythm? Movements of sounds of short or long duration.


To reach deeply the feeling or to describe the nature is necessary the participation of these three elements of the musical composition.

Well, these are just a few summary definitions about these fundamental elements that make up the science of music.


But what is music to you?

What some of the great classical composers say about music:


Johann Sebastian Bach: “Music is a pleasing harmony for the honor of God and the admirable delights of the soul.”


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: “Music is my life and my life is music”.


Ludwig Van Beethoven: “The vibration in the breath of God’s breath speaks to the souls of men.” Music is the language of God.We musicians are as close as men can be to God.We hear your voice.We read we give birth to the children of God.We count your prayers.This is what the musicians are. “


Franz Liszt: “Music is the heart of life. Love speaks through it, without it there is no good possible and with that everything is beautiful”.


Robert Schumann: “Music is the language that allows me to communicate with the beyond.”

In fact, there are several ways to understand and feel music, each person understands music in a very special way.


What other great thinkers of mankind say about music:


Friedrich Nietzsche: “No music life would be a mistake”


Aristotle: “Music is heavenly, divine in nature and such beauty that charms the soul and elevates it above its condition.”


Victor Hugo: “Music expresses what can not be said in words, but can not remain silent.”


Aldous Huxley: “After silence, the closest thing to expressing the inexpressible is music.”


Albert Einstein: “If I were not a physicist, I think I would be a musician, I think in terms of music, I see my life in terms of music.”

I want to conclude by saying that I will continue to write on topics related to music and other arts, I will promote and recommend artists and relevant subjects. I hope you like it, I accept criticism and suggestions.


Musical Philosophy:

Music is an inner life, those who have an inner life will never suffer from solitude – Arthur of the Table.

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